RP-VC684E Ethernet VDSL2 ConverterThe converter supports the signal conversion between traditional Ethernet and innovative VDSL technology. The device is a right solution to integrate current Ethernet application with the new building phone line networking technology, like hotel, office and apartment environment. The EoVDSL2 port supports symmetry and asymmetry data transmission bandwidth up to 50Mbps and transmission distance up to 1000ft. It is ideal for providing video-on-demand and multi-media service to apartment, hoteland campus without rewiring cable consideration. Moreover, the distance expansion also provides wide range coverage. The converter is plug-n-play without any software to configure and also fully compliant with all kinds of network protocols. Moreover, the rich diagnostic LEDs on the front-panel provide the operating status of the system.

檔案下載:RP-VC684E Ethernet, VDSL2, Converter-datasheet.

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